Membership Fees Academic Year 2023-2024

Membership Fees Academic Year 2023-2024

from $77.48

Membership dues are $75 per year for each member institution with five or fewer approved participants, $150 per year for each member institution with between six and fifteen approved participants, and $225 per year for each member institution with sixteen or more approved participants.

Membership fees paid through the website will incur a transaction fee (+$2.48 for $75 membership = $77.48; +$4.65 for $150 membership = $154.65; +6.83 for $225 membership = $231.83). To avoid extra fees to membership, please contact Brenda Epstein at for instructions on how to pay with check.

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From CCSA Bylaws: “Participant is defined as those employed within your career services office.  In addition, you may include others within your institution engaged in career-related/career planning activities that may not be formally reporting up through career services.”